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Minor | they/it/she | non-binary

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Mood: Silly!!! X3

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☆S1LLY_G00B3R_XD☆'s Interests


I don't feel like typing everything so here's just like five: art, making kandi, PLUSHIEZ!, vocaloids, lucky star, cats, regretavtor, homestuck, I LUV OBJECT SHOWS WITH MY LIFE, also I'm really bad at it but I try to make songz somtimez but I can never come up with lyricz >M< and morez!!!!


again dont feel like listing them all so here are some people I listen to a lot!!: Lil Witchy, 6arelyhuman, S3RL, Ayesha erotica, wujek, m1v, roshyw, 3OH!3, 1stress, toy-box, dot dot curve, horrormovies, nosgov, MAILPUP, g0r3c0r3, vyzer, blood pup, proz, luvwillow, hoshie star, d3r, millionaires, Disko Warp, rebzyyx, Miku, MSI(don't support but luv the music), Foodhouse, Brokencyde, femtynal, botdf(also do not support) and more XD


Da invader zim movie X3 but most of the time I get antsy and then walk away mid movie


invader zim, mlp, kid vampire,pretty much all object shows lol, lucky star. TAWOG, south park, murder drones :3


Warrior cats, I LOVEEE HOMESTUCK AHHHHH that's it I kinda hate reading Ngl XD


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☆S1LLY_G00B3R_XD☆'s Blurbs

About me:

H3LL0Z!1!!1 1 4M 4 TH3R14N & FURRY 1'M 4L$0 $C3N3 4ND L1K3 T0 C0$PL4Y $0M3T1M3$ MY PR0N0UN$ 4R3 TH3Y/1T/$H3 BUT 1T 1$ M0$T PR3F3RR3D 1 4M 4L$0 4 M1N0R $0 N0 CR33PY P30PL3Z 4ND 1 L0V3Z PLU$H13$ 4ND MLP! 4ND 0MG 1 L0V3 H0M3STUCK 4HHH 4ND 1 H0P3 T0 M4K3 $0M3 FR13ND$ F33L FR33 T0 M3$$4G3 M3!1!1!1:3 4ls0 PL34S3 us3 t0n3 t4gz w1th m3 o((^w^))o

converse fan Domo kun stamp Gloomy bear Nyan Cat with Rainbow "/>
cat kittycat

Who I'd like to meet:

1 h0n3stly d0nt kn0wz XD

☆S1LLY_G00B3R_XD☆'s Friends Comments

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Spinalfish:3's profile picture

I LOVE CREEPYPASTA! Who’s ur fav?? O.o

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Pr0b4bl3y sm1l3 d0g!!! :3

by ☆S1LLY_G00B3R_XD☆; ; Report

𝚋𝚎𝚡 𝚊𝚜𝚑𝚋𝚕𝚞𝚏𝚏

𝚋𝚎𝚡 𝚊𝚜𝚑𝚋𝚕𝚞𝚏𝚏's profile picture

you seem so kewl !!!! how are you ?

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