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"watching jacksepticeye!!!!!"

unidentified extraterrestrial specimen

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Mood: i luv video games

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ShadxwRxses's Interests


ART! - i love making art in various forms , mainly through drawing (both digitally and traditionally) and photography, mainly of nature.
writing and poetry are also something i enjoy, i love playing around with different words and meanings, more "abstract" writing is my thing.
i love video games and video game design... films, cinematography, everything that has to do with making media is something i'm interested in. yes, i take school film projects seriously.

more generic: old web, fashion, makeup (as a form of art), maximalist overacessorising, psychology, stuffed animals, hugs, coffee with high doses of sugar - otherwise undrinkable, the 90s and 2000s.


i'm a huge industrial fan! my favorites are kmfdm and nine inch nails. i like a lot of bands, though - london after midnight, and one, ministry, guano apes, tool, hole, the chemical brothers, and cocteau twins are my main favorites.


HUGE fan of wolfenstein, i adore the new timeline but i'm also interested in the older games. my favorite game of all time is the new order.

love fps in general - postal, doom, ultrakill, half-life, left 4 dead, team fortress 2 <3. though my affection for these is prominent, i also like stuff such as house flipper, powerwashing simulator and the sims 4.
i'm also just starting to get into metal gear solid, thanks to my friend!

check out my STEAM ACCOUNT


don't get me started on this.
i'm a tarantino fan, i like blood. my favorites of his are kill bill and pulp fiction.
though i'm just a fan of movies in general! if i really had to name some favorites, i'd say: seven, natural born killers, pulp fiction, zero day, little miss sunshine, and the twilight, hunger games, and maze runner series!

please do check out my letterboxd which is linked!!


breaking bad, better call saul, dexter, house md, you, arcane, the 100, dark, inside job. these are the shows that i vividly remember i loved, anyway - i don't watch that many.

i did use to watch a LOT of anime when i was younger, and some of them still stayed really good for me! i loved jojo's bizarre adventure and attack on titan the most. and if you can count the castlevania show as anime... i really loved it too.


How To Cope With A Massive Penis


God, soap2day, monster classic, buldak carbonara, bj blazkowicz, my friends.

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ShadxwRxses's Blurbs

About me:

hey! my name is nata and this is the place where you can learn a lot about me... like my interests. i am my interests. my personality is online.

in general, though, i'm 16, diagnosed autistic and selectively mute. i am a born catholic from poland and i'm cool with both she/her and he/him. i get really awkward and nearly formal whenever i talk to somebody new so don't expect my wonderful (read: absolutely unbearable) personality to show up immediately. nonetheless, i love telling stuff about myself and getting to know others, i think people and different ways of thinking are very interesting - i'm planning to study psychology in the future because of that interest!
if you wanna know more, just look at my interests on the left, as i said they're a very big part of who i am... and under this text are my favorite albums and also some quizzes that i took! i hope you like my page and maybe we can become friends.


click here for LANGUAGES
click here for QUIZ RESULTS
What Flavour Are You? I tashte like Alcohol.I tashte like Alcohol.

Heh. Heh. I taste like beer. I like beer. Buy me a beer. I'm not drunk, I can drink plenty without... What was I saying? Beer. What Flavour Are You?

What Video Game Character Are You? I am a Scorched Earth Tank.I am a Scorched Earth Tank.

When I have a mission, it consumes me; I will not be satisfied until the job is done. I have a strong sense of duty, and a strong sense of direction. Changes in the tide don't phase me - I always know which way the wind blows, and I know how to compensate for it. I get on poorly with people like myself. What Video Game Character Are You?

What Sort of Hat Are You? I am a Bandana.I am a Bandana.

I'm somewhat antisocial, not in the way of an introvert but more like a protester. When the law is wrong, it should be changed, or it should kiss my ass. What Sort of Hat Are You?

A cywydd llosgyrnog; I'm one.
"A what?" Well, quite. There'd be no fun
In being understood; I
Thrive upon obliquity.
Don't comprehend or follow me,
For mystery's my ally.
What Poetry Form Are You?
What Is Your Anime Hair Color?
What Is Your Anime Hair Color?
Hosted By Anime
Certificate: Test results
What DISC type are you?

1001For 56% you are: The Steady Type

You enjoy being with other people, and they appreciate you because of your friendly and considerate nature. Furthermore, you are also loyal, warm-hearted and lovable. You can be counted on in all situations in life.

In return, you want others to pay attention to your achievements and to respect your feelings. You appreciate friendly interaction among colleagues/classmates.

You dislike people who are too direct and tend to see them as a threat. Therefore, you should approach them gently and calmly. Despite everything, you are indecisive and often hesitate before answering, but in return you are a very good listener.

Security is critical to you, and you try to create a predictable, organized environment. You prefer to take orders rather than give them. You should say "no" more often than always saying yes to everything.

You don't like to adapt to new situations, so you should go for new things sometimes and not think about them so much. Changes are usually not bad, and you should not be afraid to realize them.
36% of 152 quiz participants had this profile!
Take this quiz: What DISC type are you?

Certificate: Test results
Am I a Liberal, a Conservative, or a Centrist?

1001For 84% you are: You are a true blue Liberal. You'd die before you'd vote Republican.


Are wary of American arrogance and hypocrisy.
Trace much anti-American hatred to previous US foreign policies.
Believe political solutions are inherently superior to military ones.
Believe the US is morally bound to intervene in humanitarian crises.
Oppose American imperialism.
Support international law, alliances, and agreements.
Encourage US participation in the UN.
Believe US economic policies must help lift up the world's poor.

Historical liberal: President Woodrow Wilson

Modern liberal: President Jimmy Carter

37% of 83727 quiz participants had this profile! Profile A

You could also get this result:
For 16% you are: You are a Centrist. You vote according the problems the world is currently facing. You would vote Democrat or Republican.

Take this quiz: Am I a Liberal, a Conservative, or a Centrist?

Who I'd like to meet:

people who like the same stuff as me, people who can relate and just have basic common sense and empathy. if you wanna chat, message my discord (same name). some more little sites that i have:


ShadxwRxses's Friends Comments

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Noah:3's profile picture


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saving pregnant brian

by ShadxwRxses; ; Report


C:\Users\Genesis's profile picture

thanx 4 the add :D

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np thank you as well!

by ShadxwRxses; ; Report


John/Smith's profile picture




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yeah i agree

by ShadxwRxses; ; Report


DrinkLypa's profile picture


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by ShadxwRxses; ; Report

เญจเงŽ ๏น’ @ DANI ๏น’๐Ÿฅฉ

เญจเงŽ ๏น’ @ DANI ๏น’๐Ÿฅฉ's profile picture


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by ShadxwRxses; ; Report


Dude's profile picture

uhh hi cool profile!!

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Thank you :)

by ShadxwRxses; ; Report


หšสšโ™กษžหš_K4T_หšสšโ™กษžหš's profile picture


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thank you!

by ShadxwRxses; ; Report

alice :)

alice :)'s profile picture

poo head

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when i was your age you didn't call someone a poo head [old man emoji]

by ShadxwRxses; ; Report

wow old ass are you typig this on a nokia too

by alice :); ; Report

the war

by ShadxwRxses; ; Report

i ate and left no crumbs

by alice :); ; Report

what does that mean, youngin [old man emoji] ARGH my back

by ShadxwRxses; ; Report


by alice :); ; Report

Tjhe. war

by ShadxwRxses; ; Report

the war!!!!!!!!!

by alice :); ; Report

screams in old man way

by ShadxwRxses; ; Report

me fr

by alice :); ; Report