Schroedingers Cat

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"trying to figure out how to change the colours on here"

My life is dedicated to music and arts

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Mood: weird :)

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Schroedingers Cat's Interests


Music art books building instruments Animated Space scenes


nearly all Spacerock Psychedelic Rock Folk and Folk Rock Celtic Folk Hard Rock NWOBHM Classical Jazz Blues Free Jazz Rock Art-Rock Progressive Rock Songwriters and some more


Zardoz Stardust Horror Splatter Fantasy Science Fiction


No :)


Michael Moorcock Terry Pratchett and thousands more :D


King Asoka Mahatma Gandhi Jimi Hendrix Ravi Shankar Siddharta Led Zeppelin Nik Turner also here many many more.

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Schroedingers Cat's Blurbs

About me:

So after 35 years and two days I gave up the band Schroedinger's Cat on September 4th, 2023. Still playing music tho!!! Author, musician, publisher, artist, video animator I was the mastermind of the international Symphonic Kozmizrock band Schroedinger's Cat, which I had formed in September 1988 in Rome in Italy and renamed into Schroedinger's Cat on November 13th, 1988. Meanwhile, we are spread all over the world over four continents, myself I live in Germany, Europe. I also have some side-projects more in Ambient or in Indian music; for example Indian Kozmoz, LavaSpaceDream, Spherical Noises and some more I'm also the publisher of the free SpaceZine in English, which is more about Spacerock and Psychedelic Rock and Progressive Rock. and I'm also the author of -up to now- six books. I also breed chilis and I build lamps to breed them indoors as the German weather seldom allows them to grow outside. sometimes I also create 3D art and animations for free use for friended bands. very seldom do I also build musical instruments or effects I play 18 different string instruments; mostly Bulbul Tarang, Sitar, guitar, Tanpura, Oud, Celtic Harp, Dulcimer, Mandoline and other strange stuff. We used to play worldwide except for the Northern and Southern American continent. Our farthest gigs ever had been in 2002 in Japan. People ask me often if the cat is dead or alive, as they meanwhile had found out there is no Superposition of the quarks I cannot answer this question. it is depended on if you open the box or not. :) Our music you find more on Bandcamp than on Facebook, ok on my youtube account you find sometimes some, also on SoundCloud, even this platform I use more for demos and mostly not for public view. As FB is actually on the declining branch with overloaded advertisers and also sharing user data, I'm trying to find another platform whereon I can stay in contact with our fans, supporters and bandmembers. as Myspace is also there but in a form, I cannot work with, I just try to use this platform here, a suggestion of an old friend I had met the first time on Myspace-ages ago. Actually, I'm building a new webspace for my band and for the Zine. As I cannot type Bandcamp links in the links area I post them here: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- a new project more Psychedelic played with Indian instruments, based on Ragas ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- a free Spacerock based Magazine I do with two others in English ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- the home of my main band ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ the other projects all over the years --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Often you find traces of myself in playing the Sitar with other bands mostly in Spacerock and/or Psychedelic Rock Genre. sometimes with my artist name, sometimes with my real name and sometimes in a combination of both.

Who I'd like to meet:

Lovely people

Schroedingers Cat's Friends Comments

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Thomas Federico - Freelance Full-Stack Designer

Thomas Federico - Freelan...'s profile picture

Thanks for adding me. I discovered your music yesterday and I like your musical and graphic style. I look forward to listening to more of your songs :)

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thanks a lot. this means much for me.
Have a wodnerful day.
Greetings from Germany.

by Schroedingers Cat; ; Report

You're very welcome, Iain :)

Have a good one too!

Greetings from Finland.


by Thomas Federico - Freelance Full-Stack Designer; ; Report