
nathan's profile picture


a seriously broke lad

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Mood: body pains and boredom

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nathan's Interests


bascially anything that isn't maths ig. I "like" to draw, im into movies these days


bôa (the GOAT), the stranglers, black box recorder, the descendents, alex g, the beatles, elliot smith, sade, simon and garfunkel, nirvana


times square, the united states of leland, stand by me, zoolander, scott pilgrim vs the world,


psych, community, the good place, malcolm in the middle, arrested development


i dont read much but im trying to recently. perks of being a wallflower i really did like though, enjoyed a lot. I like shuzo oshimi's works too, welcome back, alice was my favourite I think. outside of those, not much yet


me duh

nathan's Latest Blog Entries [View Blog]

Intro to ME !1!11 (view more)

First Blog Questions; Question 4 (view more)

First Blog Questions; Question 3 (view more)

First Blog Questions; Question 2 (view more)

nathan's Blurbs

About me:

hello i am teenager from the good ol' north and this is my inactive blog. this originally started as a school assignment (hence the first few posts) but i am hoping to use this more without the restrictions of my teacher lurking over me. check my sorta cringey pinned post to know more about me

Who I'd like to meet:

buncha celebrities honestly; joseph gordon-levitt, edward norton, paul mccartney, anne hathaway, jake gyllenhaal, edgard wright, ringo starr, james roday rodriguez, pattie boyd, aamir khan

nathan's Friends Comments

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