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"Don't fear WWIII, we've already survived 35 yrs of it πŸ‘ "

OMG, it's all pointless! πŸ‘¨‍πŸš€ πŸ”«πŸ˜  Always has been...

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Mood: Time=illusion • rhyme=delusion • crime=intrusion

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radi0sack's Interests


Entering the enternet. The cyberspace of the infosphere. The future virtual cybernetic highway of the Wild West Web. The singularity HiveMind SPACE simulation, a vast decentralized Β Truman-Matrix Realm, of which we are all imprisoned within, inside of the brave new worldstar order, inside of a terrarium, left to rot in the stock closet of the old abandoned Arby's, on a distant dystopian planet, programmed entirely in C++, by a neglected 11yr old who just got a dosage increase on his adderall prescription.Β 


Many musics. Yes my friend, I consume so much audios with my ipod classic. I have mp3 of Brittney Agulara, Bone Thugs n' Backsteet, Linkin Lavine, and the many storysongs built by DJ Dayrude Sandstrom 🎢 headphones


I don't rot my mind with such filth, I have bong-drugz 2 dew that with


I enjoy an occasional episode of King of the Hill (anyone notice theres no hills like anywhere in that series?)


Non-fiction. Banned/controversial ones are especially valuable to me, especially ones from the 19th century or older. books


Not into make-believe comic book heroes, so the only person I'd call my hero, is Florida-Man (if you are unfamiliar, do some research. Goto the news tab on google, and simply search "florida man" πŸ‘Œ)

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radi0sack's Blurbs

About me:

( Ν Β° ΝŸΚ– Ν‘Β°)Β 

Hello world... 🌎 πŸ‘‹Β 

The name is Redmond A York (radi0sack)

I chose my username day the IP rights for RadioShack expired.

However they were later renewed by Nick Cannon (actually a true story, it didn't make it to mainstream headlines though. Why? *White Supremacy... (*=this claim has not been fact checked. But I plan to update this after I consult Google's Gemini AI for clarification later))

I have many socials, but when I sh-t post, I sh-t post on myspace 2.0

Join the Dogs4Democracy movement. This November could be a disaster. But if we as a society, are to make this country a true democracy, we cant allow another election to take place, without consulting the valuable opinion of our best four legged non-human friends. Animal equity could be solved by being a vegetarian, but that sucks. I wont do it. So allowing dogs to vote, is a valid non-partisan compromise that we can all get behind. Its time to make America bark again. πŸ—³πŸ©

Who I'd like to meet:

Your mom (chea right, maybe if she was half as hot as MegAIn, my real gf, who is definitely not a body pillow with my old iphone running an AI anime virtual gf app crudely taped to the top. 😎)

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Loser. Stop sending me daily DMs all with the same low-res JPEG of Jerry Seinfeld breakdancing! After 11 years its starting to be less funny.

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New phone, who dis?

by radi0sack; ; Report