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"( ≧ᗜ≦)"

he/him. 17. silly zombie

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Mood: silly birthday boy!!!

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D★kota's Interests

BIRTHDAY BOY!!!!!!!!!! ma birthday today!!! 03/03!!


⚠︎ drawing ☣︎ writing ☣︎ reading ☣︎ playing games ☣︎ collecting stuff ☣︎ currently learning to alter clothes!!

⚠︎ horror ☣︎ alice in wonderland related stuff ☣︎ oddities ☣︎ cultures ☣︎ creepypastas ☣︎ vocaloid ☣︎ religion ☣︎ serial killers ☣︎ human mind


⚠︎ she wants revenge ☣︎ rob zombie ☣︎ glass animals ☣︎ mindless self indulgence ☣︎ kmfdm ☣︎ orange sector ☣︎ night club ☣︎ pierce the veil ☣︎ falling in reverse ☣︎ rebzyyx ☣︎ s3rl ☣︎ simon curtis ☣︎ the dresden dolls ☣︎ and one ☣︎ destroy boys ☣︎ korn ☣︎ system of a down ☣︎ slipknot ☣︎ insane clown posse ☣︎ oingo boingo ☣︎ maretu ☣︎ buck-tick


⚠︎ hsr ☣︎ infinity nikki ☣︎ pony twon ☣︎ roblox ☣︎ minecraft ☣︎ slow damage ☣︎ dramatical murder ☣︎ alice madness returns ☣︎ project diva ☣︎ needy streamer overload ☣︎ cookie run kingdom


⚠︎ saw ☣︎ scream 1-2-3 ☣︎ terminator ☣︎ world of kanako ☣︎ creep ☣︎ smile ☣︎ my name ☣︎ the glory ☣︎ jellowjackets ☣︎ gone girl ☣︎ as above so below ☣︎ indiana jones

⚠︎ blood-c ☣︎ black lagoon ☣︎ death note ☣︎ black butler ☣︎ jjba ☣︎ mahou shoujo site ☣︎ madoka magica ☣︎ violet evergarden


⚠︎ alice's adventure in wonderland ☣︎ schoolgirl ☣︎ the setting sun ☣︎ not human ☣︎ broken pieces of june ☣︎ violence on the meek

⚠︎ killing morph ☣︎ pumpkin night ☣︎ black paradox ☣︎ gyo ☣︎ tomie ☣︎ uzumaki ☣︎ remina ☣︎ (basically any junji ito manga) ☣︎ mahou shoujo site ☣︎ death note


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About me:

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Vocaloid - Megurine Luka -- put THIS code where ever your style code is --

Hello hello! Ma name is Dakota, can call me Famine too or just any nickname

Ma birthday is today (03/03)!! so get ready to say happy birthday to mua Σ(°ロ°)

I go by he/him and I'm genderfluid + pansexual, and I'm just a dumbass that escaped the morgue (ദ്ദി ˙ᗜ˙ )

Ermm... so.. ya know, the rest of my interest and info on my interests table (duh) and some extra info or more detail on my linked media (letterboxd, last.fm) + ma twitter where i post whatever (absurd stuff, drawings, venting, etc) ∘ ∘ ∘ ( °ヮ° ) ?

Who I'd like to meet:

I'm super welcoming and weird, so don't worry about judgement (•˕ •マ.ᐟ

Would love to meet people with similar interests and overall cool people!

I'm super awkward and and... i get anxious with interacting with people, but i love talking and receiving comments, so please do! they make my whole day!! ★⌒ヽ(●’、^●)!

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