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i'm the author of I am The Everqueen

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Mood: obsessed with prospect

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ropa's Interests



I fucken love Black and Doom metal and everything in between. Those are my main genres and there's also some wonderful Country music, Hip-Hop, R&B, K and J-Pop, Film and TV soundtracks, Classical, Early Music, Church Music etc. I'm a metaller, goth af, but I'm not stuck to that one area of music like some sad fool.


I tend to go for fantasy, horror, sci-fi or comedy usually. Sometimes a combo of two of them or all 3. Of course I love me some comic book movies and no just Marvel or DC. Some old kids' movies are still in rotation for me. I'm a big Bong Joon Ho, Takashi Miike, Jim Jarmusch and Guillermo del Toro fan.


I love true crime and cult documentaries, and animal documentaries. Classic Cartoon Network, Nickelodeon, Disney cartoons are always on the menu. YouTube has some interesting stuff on there. I usually go for lets plays, video essays and animations. I love Nordic crime dramas or any other ones that follow the same format; one crime for the whole season. American crime shows are hilarious to make fun of with a friend coz they're so predictable and shit.


I love historical fiction, fantasy, comic books and fanfiction. Yeah I count fanfiction as real writing. I'm recently started Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie (a lovely xmas present from a bestie 🖤) I've also picked up the Witcher series again, I'm halfway through Blood of Elves. They're such good books, you can smash them quickly, definitely recommend! These are


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Hey heyyyyyy

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by ropa; ; Report