★ Da vinky ★

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"Chilling "


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Mood: Good

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★ Da vinky ★'s Interests


*fandoms that are highlighted in red are the ones I'm active in, fandoms I used to be in are highlighted in gray

Active fandoms im in

- Teenage mutant ninja turtles series
- Pokemon series
- Epic: the musical
- Persona 5 or any of the persona series
- Undertale and Deltarune
- Vocaloid
- Project sekai/ Hatsune miku: colorful stage
- Sonic the hedgehog series
- Mandela catalogue series
- Five nights at Freddy's series
- Bendy and the ink machine series

fandoms i've left for reasons

Hazbin hotel
Helluva boss
Class of '09


* Full moon, full life (jennyx version) - From persona 3 reload

* Legendary - From Epic: the musical

* God games - From Epic: the musical

* What is this feeling? - From wicked the movie

* Is this the end - By Elise Ecklund

* Beneath the Mask - From Persona 5


- Back to the future
- Da Vinci code
- TMNT: mutant mayhem
- anything studio ghibli makes tbh
- The red one


- Carmen sandiego
- Friends
- Brooklyn nine nine
- The good place
- Criminal minds
- Law and order: Special victims unit
- Moon girl and devil dinosaur


- TMNT: the last ronin and the entire tmnt idw series
- transformers idw series
- Sonic idw series


- My mom :] (love u mom)

★ Da vinky ★'s Latest Blog Entries [View Blog]

LMAO??? My AP teacher is explaining the people in the renaissance era and casually drops this image on his ppt (view more)

I fucking love Undertale (view more)

Fuck (view more)

★ Da vinky ★'s Blurbs

About me:

About me text goes here. "every equal action has it's equal opposite reaction

Welcome to my secret lair (thunder noises)

. . .

Yeah so anyway..

I'm mahika! or da vinky

- commonly calls themselves the wizard of oz
note that i am not a fraud or a genuinely irredeemable person, I just like the name leave me the fuck alone
- has been an artist since they were born, they took a pencil and started sketching the sistine chapel paintings (i think i spelt that right)(note that i actually don't know how to draw the sistine chapel-just to avoid confusion)
- yaps when they're comfortable with you
- eyes could kill a person
- dog person (owns 2 dogs: phoebe and joey)
- bird enjoyer
- eats little + eats a lot
- Filipino with (lie-->) greek ancestry (<--lie)
- pronouns are all/any
- sucks the blood out of monsters
- has tumblr
- retired twitter user (thank goodness)
- makes too many lists
- hates twitter

- very aromantic, asexual, agender
- likes musicals
- a goth
- aroace person with a hear me out list (not normal)
- cringe
- self aware (sometimes)
- anger issues
- kins too many characters
@sunnydersian is my friend

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Who I'd like to meet:

- Keanu Reeves, he's really sweet in real life from what I heard
- Tom hiddleston, I also heard he's really sweet
- Rob paulsen because he's seems like a sweet guy who voices donnie
- Sean astin, really sweet guy, definietly
- The green man, he didn't deserve any of that

★ Da vinky ★'s Friends Comments

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undertale addiction (*GONE WRONG*)

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My chemical romance addiction GONE WRONG!!!

by ★ Da vinky ★; ; Report