
Rackster721's profile picture

"The human heart, such a fascinating topic."

I'm 21yo

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Mood: Nostalgic. Currently trying to decipher the mysteries of life

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Rackster721's Interests


I love games like Devil May Cry, Resident Evil, Persona and fighting/horror games in general (like cry of fear but pls ask me more about this!). I also tend to listen to music a lot. I love horror media and I tend to write a variety of things. 

I usually stay late at nights, I always feel kinda nostalgic, but I can't explain why...

I like to write and talk about a lot of topics. I like poetry! I'm honestly looking to talk to more people. 



This has always been a tough question for me. I have problems describing what genres I like, I just tend to listen a song and then add it to a 30hrs spotify playlist, but if I have to name a few: Crush 40, Paramore, Avenged Sevenfold, Gifted Gambler, Linkin Park, Foo Fighters and I LOVE Avril Lavigne (my queen). Other than that, some specific songs from a LOT of artists. 

That and videogame ost's like Devil May Cry, Resident Evil, Persona and more.


I'm not THAT into movies, but if I had to name a few: Back to the future trilogy, Interestellar and The Amazing Spiderman Movies. Also A silent voice. I know I'm missing a few, so I'll update this as I remember. I would like to watch more tho, so feel free to tell me your favs!


Shows like Friends and Avatar The Last Airbender have a very special place on my heart 💖


Contrary to what my carreer demands (I study Psychology), I don't tend to read that much. Although I'm trying to! If you have any recommendations, feel free to message me. I would honestly appreciate it.


Spiderman and Hatsune Miku

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Strange Feeling, looking for opinions (view more)

Rackster721's Blurbs

About me:

I speak Spanish as my first language but I have no problems with English. I spend my time playing games, listening to music and thinking about all sort of things. I also like to write, sometimes...

I'm looking to get to know more people, so If you're already here, why not send a text?

I try to cherish every moment. Music really makes my soul shine. What an interesting thing life is right? Want to talk about it?

Try new things. After all, who really cares? 

(I have to fix my profile...) 

ALSO IMPORTANT: I would like to talk with people around my age. 17+ pls!       

Who I'd like to meet:

Anyone with similar interests and/or willing to share theirs! 

(And Avril Lavigne)

Rackster721's Friends Comments

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Skylar Forester

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Hi, thanks for the add!

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