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"Still getting used to this."

34. California expat living in Utah

Last active:

Mood: Creatively drained.

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Joey's Interests


Music, history, woodworking, blacksmithing, cooking, D&D, current events, etc.



Star Wars, The Lord of the Rings, Indiana Jones, MCU, DCAU. Also into historical fiction, indie comedies, anything Scorsese did before 2008, Hiyao Miyazaki, as well as general sci-fi/fantasy.


Lifelong member of the Scooby Gang (Buffy/Angel, not the ACTUAL Scooby Gang), The Mandalorian, Netflix MCU, Parks and Rec, Friends... There's really too much to name, I bounce around, but its mostly the same sort of stuff I watch in theatres; historical fiction, sci-fi/fantasy, and indie comedies.


Love sci-fi/fantasy books, as well is historical non-fiction, specifically related to Latin American cultures from pre-Columbian to the Chicano Movement of 1950-1980. I like getting my hands on anything that's gonna help me understand humanity better than I did the day before. Also, LOTS of comics. Big Punisher fan, before cops decided to hijack him -__-


Joey's Latest Blog Entries [View Blog]

The Council of Franks (view more)

Joey's Blurbs

About me:

A Chicano historian. Er, a historian who's also a Chicano. Co-host of "Unsolicited & Unqualified," a podcast that isn't very good. Married to a brilliant woman who shows her love by putting up with my various shenanigans and enthusiasms.

Who I'd like to meet:

Anyone with a good story.

Joey's Friends Comments

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Action Cat

Action Cat's profile picture

Thanks for the add! :D

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