Shelby Sunshine

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"Starve the ego. Feed the soul."

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Shelby Sunshine 's Interests


Demisexual/pansexual cis female. Polyamorous. I know, I know, being demi and poly almost sounds like an oxymoron, but it can be done. I have so much love to give lol. She/her/them/they pronouns welcome. Mother to some pretty amazing kids and they are what gives me the most joy in life. Leo Sun, Virgo Moon, Gemini Rising. I’m 30 years old. BLM supporter. Liberal/libertarian views (I’m kinda stuck between the two). Pro-choice, pro sexwork, pro cannabis. I know people hate self-proclaimed empaths, but I do feel everything so deeply. It’s something I’ve struggled with my whole life. Learning the boundaries of other people and their emotions it’s been pretty hard for me, but I’m doing better. I think we should normalize platonically saying “I love you” to your friends and we should DEFINITELY get rid of toxic masculinity. I wouldn’t really consider myself to be like a hard core feminist, but women’s rights is something important to me. More things about me? Well, I love cooking. Sounds pretty cliché, but I find it relaxing. I also love love love to paint. For fun and for profit. I am also a content creator. Other things I enjoy: collecting healing stones/crystals. Talking about the human consciousness. Conspiracy theories. Astrology/natal charts. Anything to do with psychedelics and the psychedelic experience. I love being outside whenever I can and I love hiking and being in nature. Growing up I was a pretty big extrovert, but I’ve kinda settled more into myself as I’ve gotten older. I’m more likely not the one to make the first move in most situations like I used to. Other things: I own a Nintendo switch and I’m a pretty big animal crossing fan. I love watching my children grow and learn new things everyday. I hope to shape them into strong, intelligent and empathetic adults. I’m trying to think of all the other things I can write, there is so much. So if you wanna know something feel free to ask.


I am pretty fluent in the music that I like. Metal, EDM, indie, alternative. Probably better so just list a few bands so you get the idea. -Say Anything -Neck Deep -Blackmill -Odesza -Brand New -Against Me! -Angels and Airwaves -The Decemberists -Neutral Milk Hotel -Dear Silas -Glass Animals -Jai Wolf -Make Them Suffer -Modest Mouse -A Perfect Circle -Pretty Lights -Smashing Pumpkins -A Day to Remember -Tool -Tycho That’s all I can think off off the top of my head.


Honestly not a big movie watcher. I’m more into TV series. However Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is my favorite movie. I also like lots of different documentaries.


Dexter, Breaking Bad, Cosmos, Shameless, This is Us, Grey’s Anatomy, Stranger Things, Ancient Aliens, 6 Feet Under, Through the Wormhole, Law and Order/ SVU. Pretty much any true crime series. The Office, Parks and Rec. Just to name a few.


I wish I had the time to read more, but these kids keep me on my toes. I do however like to read up on different philosophers. My favorite book is “Breaking open the head” by Daniel Pincheck.


Look at “People I’d like to meet.”

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Shelby Sunshine 's Blurbs

About me:

30 year old mother, plant lover, seeker. I love the occult and anything to do with the psychedelic experience. I probably have more tapestries than you do. Wanna know anything else? Ask! :)

Who I'd like to meet:

Terence McKenna, Alan Watts and Max Bemus.

Shelby Sunshine 's Friends Comments

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Jinxx ;

Jinxx ;'s profile picture

haiii baby [;

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Tirful's profile picture

Hey, thanks for the add - hope you're having a great day :D
Btw i noticed you're a fan of emo music from your bio... if you're interested in finding new stuff to listen to, i have some songs up on my profile that i think might be your kind of thing, it'd be awesome if you could let me know what you think? ^__^

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Scene Bean:3

Scene Bean:3's profile picture

You’re gorgeous

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