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Mood: b0r3ddddd

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AZH3R's Interests


Art, an1m3, r0bloxz, muzic, aztr0l0gy >_< I'm also reallllyyyy into styles like learning about them and stuff, ANDDDDD I'M A SK8TERRR >:D !!!!  🛹🛹🛹


Kets4eki, Asteria, ayesha erotica, lumi Athena, playboi carti, ken Carson, jiinzo, snave, whatsaheart, DJ nevykele, mdnght7, lil skar ,kill fall, horrormovies, Kaneda7, Erenzy, m1v, luvwillow , boy fantasy, g0r3c0r3, Rebzyyx and syris 𖤐


Diary 0f 4 wimpy k!d iz d3f my favz


 An1me,but 0th3r th4n th4t nun, D0n't r3ally h4v3 anyyyyyyy (n0t much 0f 4 tv p3rzon lma0) 


N0rmal b00ks suckkk >:[ m4nga onlyyyyy :P


1 dunn0

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AZH3R's Blurbs

About me:

MLM , en3rget!c all d4y l0ng X3 i really really really love talking about music  as you can see I got a LOT of fav music artists im honestly a huge anime fan (I own a few figures and a lot of mangas tho I'm too lazy to read them at the moment) older than 17 DON'T INTERACT W ME (I'm sorry I just don't want to interact w adults) I LOVEEEEEE MONSTER tho I rarely get any myself I REALLY WANT TO BE SCENE but my style is honestly just self made affliction shirts, baggy jeans and convers, usually always online and listening to music feel free to send me a friend request or chat with me ,don't worry I d0n't b1t3 >:3 also if u want to play roblox with me I'm free anytime I mostly play evade and blade ball :P I'M ALSO FROM LITHUANIA RAHHHHHH 💥💥💥🇱🇹🇱🇹🇱🇹🇱🇹

Tiktok : vxlentines.death

DC : vxlentines.death 

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Who I'd like to meet:

Asteria, lumi Athena, whatsaheart, horrormovies and just new fri3ndz !n g3n3ral X3! 

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