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I'm insecure

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Mood: Boredd

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derpyxd's Interests


My hobbies are: Drawing, Animating(occasionally!), watch caseoh and listening to music when I'm day-dreaming loll


Golly.. there's many kinds of genres I listen too! I'm not sure what to add here so I'll add my top plays: mcr, green day, incubus, new found glory, saosin, backstreet boys and westlife.


Anastasia, The Iron Giant, Truman show, Dumb and dumber, Yours; Mine; and Ours, Grown Ups and The Book of Life. I mostly enjoy family comedy movies hehe. sure, they may seem old.. but they hold a special place in my heart!!


Judy Duty, Malcolm in the middle, !!MLP!!, Modern family and Ben 10 omniverse (supposed to watch it rn but its postponed due to igcses and I'm freaking lazy T_T)


I don't really read anything besides fanfics


My Parents!

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About me:

I'm a 16(turning 17 soon)yo who's chilling!

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