
I'm insecure
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Mood: Boredd
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derpyxd's Interests
General |
My hobbies are: Drawing, Animating(occasionally!), watch caseoh and listening to music when I'm day-dreaming loll |
Music |
Golly.. there's many kinds of genres I listen too! I'm not sure what to add here so I'll add my top plays: mcr, green day, incubus, new found glory, saosin, backstreet boys and westlife. |
Movies |
Anastasia, The Iron Giant, Truman show, Dumb and dumber, Yours; Mine; and Ours, Grown Ups and The Book of Life. I mostly enjoy family comedy movies hehe. sure, they may seem old.. but they hold a special place in my heart!! |
Television |
Judy Duty, Malcolm in the middle, !!MLP!!, Modern family and Ben 10 omniverse (supposed to watch it rn but its postponed due to igcses and I'm freaking lazy T_T) |
Books |
I don't really read anything besides fanfics |
Heroes |
My Parents! |
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About me:
I'm a 16(turning 17 soon)yo who's chilling!
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