
"stalking :×"
Mood: boredom hits
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yomeirika 's Interests
General |
Animes! hmm writing poems and thinking of a few words to come together, crimes and mysteries, ancient artifacts and also cutie kitties + mythology, archeology, poof rotting and sleeping, dressing up straight out of a gothic novel but doesn't really dress up in public, befriending anyone online! the greatest of all wanting to learn dark magic and stuff to pass onto someone👾. |
Music |
often gets into human's nerve. |
Movies |
animations and horrors‼️ |
Television |
def miraculous since childhood yahh #-# |
Books |
world history and something including literature? but i often stop reading at the middle and only reads what caught my bawling eyes💔💔 yeah not involving anime manga's my apologies. |
Heroes |
oh I don't need heroes i help myself but only if i'm not lazy to do somethin'. |
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