Inspirado Projecto

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Inspirado Projecto's Interests


Collaborating, brainstorming, absurdity and surreality, puns and wordplay, manifestation of reality, UFOs, Yes;and improv Ensemble dynamics, synchronicities, dreams, painting, writing, drawing, acting, podcasting.


Folk, rock'n'roll, classical, jazz, binaural beats, Polyphonic Spree, Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band, Famous Groupies, Jellyfish, The Beatles, Elliott Smith, Fleet Foxes, The Monkees, Jimi Hendrix, The Doors, Fleetwood Mac (and most Laurel Canyon music)


Max Neptune and The Menacing Squid, Legend Of Fall Creek, Black Pumpkin, Before The End: Searching For Jim Morrison, AKIRA, Back To The Future, The Original STAR WARS Trilogy, The Man Who Fell To Earth, They LIVE, Invasion Of The Body Snatchers. Anything by David Lynch, Wes Anderson, Jim Jarmusch, Terry Gilliam, Charlie Kaufman, Michel Gondry, Sam Raimi, Orson Welles.


Twin Peaks, The TICK, Twilight Zone, 1966 BATMAN, Doctor Who, The Monkees, Mister Rogers, Sesame Street, Captain Kangaroo, The Bozo Show, Black Mirror, Svengoolie, Alfred Hitchcock Hour, Hellier, DUNE, Money Heist, LOST, Sopranos, Squid Game, Midnight Gospel, Eureka, Love Boat, Mork and Mindy, Greatest American Hero, most stuff on GAIA Network, The Prisoner, and anything enticing me to think and/or swim in surreality.


Wonder Wander by Curt Clendenin. Magical Magnet by Curt Clendenin. MAD Magazine by Alfred E Neuman. Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury. Convoluted Universe Series by Dolores Cannon. Ask And It Is Given by Esther Hicks/Abraham. Seth Speaks by Jane Roberts. Level 7 by Mordecai Roshwald. Electric Kool Aid Acid Test by Thomas Wolffe. Watchmen by Alan Moore Anything by Richard Brautigan, Edward Gorey, Andy Kaufman, Jack Kerouac, Alan Watts, Ben Edlund, Mike Allred, Neil Gaiman, Dr. Suess or Shel Silverstein


My Grandmas and Grandpas, Dad and Mom, Brother and Sister, Uncle Arnie, Evel Knieval, Salvador Dali, Mister Rogers, Jim Henson, Syd and Marty Croft, Dr. Suess, Shel Silverstein, 1966 BATMAN, David Lynch, Elvis, MADMAN

Inspirado Projecto's Latest Blog Entries [View Blog]

My Interview Today W/ A UFO Abductee On Inspirado Projecto Podcast (view more)

Inspirado Projecto's Blurbs

About me:

Creating art I want to see in the world, such as my podcast, Inspirado Projecto. A fan of deja vu, synchronicities, serendipities, dreams, creation process. I get a kick out of encouraging others to follow their hearts, get out of the way of themselves and let their inspiration flow through easily and effortlessly. Some of my creations or co-creations are found in this treasure chest... Current mantra: Collaboration, reciprocation, cooperation, precipitation.

Who I'd like to meet:

Other creative types who apply The Golden Rule. Non competive, unpolitical, free-thinking, philosophizing, fringe theory ponderers and detectives. Those who seek authentic connection, agreements, and self-empowered growth. Those who are excited for their friends when they succeed. Those who love their family, and encourage others to follow their dreams.

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Sweeney Toad

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Thanks for the add!

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