
"Listening to Alex g"
AMERICAAA (I hate it here)
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Mood: depressed
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Contacting woahitssawyer!!1!
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woahitssawyer!!1!'s Interests
General |
Playing guitar listening to music chatting with people hanging out with friends playing videogames storms |
Music |
Alex g radiohead nirvana Emily yacina duster fog lake American football modern baseball! |
Movies |
Back to the future I saw the tv glow stand by me twilight |
Television |
none really :p |
Books |
books are for NERDS >_< |
Heroes |
my best friend Jackie! |
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About me:
HIII I'm sawyerr I'm 14!1! I'm gay :3 IM ALWAYS FREE TO MESSAGE!!
A-2-Z About Me Survey by bamachic49 | |
{---Basics---} | |
Name: | Sawyer |
Nickname(s): | Noodle :3 |
Age: | 14!! |
Birthday: | 1/11 |
Birthplace: | Michigan (brrr) |
Current Location: | Illinois (kinda warm O_o) |
Eye Color: | Dark Brown >.< |
Hair Color: | Dirty blonde |
Height: | 6'0 (I'm being forealsies) |
Weight: | 126 |
Lefty or Righty: | righty :3 |
Zodiac Sign: | Caprisun or whatever |
What Do You Drive: | Longboard |
Screenname: | woahitssawyerrr |
{---Favorites---} | |
Color: | Blue |
Number: | |
Band: | Alex g or Radiohead (or modern baseball) |
Music Genre: | Indie/Rock |
TV Show: | More of a YouTube person |
Movie: | I saw the tv glow |
Actor: | Justice smith |
Actress: | Jack haven |
Kind of Movie: | American psychological horror drama |
Cartoon: | Aqua teen hunger force |
Sport: | too lazy :3 |
Fast Food Restaurant: | Noodles And Company |
Food: | Double cheeseburger |
Ice Cream: | Moose tracks |
Cereal: | Cocoa pebbles |
Candy: | sour patch kids |
Drink: | Monster or Dr pepper |
Alcoholic Beverage: | Hawaiian punch |
Quote: | "I think therefore I am" |
{---Do You---} | |
Have any siblings: | 3 😔 |
Have any pets: | 4 😠|
Have a job: | chores |
Have a cellphone: | yess |
Have any special talents or skills: | I CAN PLAY GUITAR |
Have any fears: | losing my best friend |
Have a bedtime: | no |
Sing in the shower: | absolutely not |
Want to go to college: | maybeee |
Get along with your parents: | somewhatttt |
Have any piercings: | I wishhh |
Have any tattoos: | frick no |
Swear: | frick yes |
Smoke: | frick no |
Drink: | frick no |
Do Drugs: | frick no |
{---Love & All That Crap---} | |
Ever been in love: | YES |
Ever cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend: | I've been cheated on twice |
Are you single: | Yes |
Are you in a relationship: | no way jose |
Do you have a crush on someone: | Somewhats |
Ever been dumped: | threece times |
Ever dumped someone: | once times |
{---This or That---} | |
Fruit or Vegetable: | fruit |
Black or White: | black (♡ω♡ ) ~♪ |
Lights On or Lights Off: | TURN THAT BRIGHT LIGHT OFF |
TV or Movie: | Movie |
Car or Truck: | CAR :3 |
Cash or Check: | Cash |
Rock or Rap: | Rockkk |
Chocolate or Vanilla: | choco |
French Toast or French Fries: | fries :3 |
Strawberries or Blueberries: | strawberry OwO |
Cookies or Muffins: | muffinnn |
Winter Break or Spring Break: | Both make me feel lonely |
Hugs or Kisses: | more cuddling, kisses sometimes |
{---Have You Ever---} | |
Danced in a public place: | I HATE MYSELF FOR IT |
Smiled for no reason: | naurr |
Laughed so hard you cried: | YES |
Talked to someone you don't know: | All the time |
Drank alcohol: | No |
Done drugs: | No |
Partied 'til the sun came up: | YEPPP |
Gotten a ticket: | NO |
Been arrested: | NO!!1! |
Been convicted of a crime: | Kinda |
Been in a wreck: | nope |
Been out of the country: | went to canada for ten seconds |
{---Random & Silly Junk---} | |
Are you a virgin: | yes..? |
Ever TP'd someone's house: | No |
Ever egged someone's house: | I've been egged 3 |
How many languages do you speak: | Two (kinda) |
Who do you compare yourself to: | MY GLORIOUS KING ALEX G |
Ever regret anything: | dating my ex gf (got a new clothes style out of it tho :3) |
Do you like being tickled: | sometimes -w- |
What are your goals: | become a musician |
Are your fingers tired: | from typing this all? yes!! |
Are you tired of this survey: | It was a good idea |
Are you happy: | YESSS |
Take this survey | Find surveys Pimp My Profile |
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