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"Watching youtube"


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Skins's Interests


I don't really know what to say about me
I'm just trying to get by and live my life


I like goth, metal, midwest emo, hip-hop, rap, I'd listen to anything as long as it sounds good.


I like Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Scream, etc.
Literally any (horror) movie as long as it's not boring.
Recommendations welcome!!


Uhhhh I don't really watch TV, High potential is pretty good I guess??? I also enjoy apocalypse shows.


I'm not much of a reader


Skins's Latest Blog Entries [View Blog]

Let's not kill ALL pedophiles, okay? REPOST!! (view more)

Skins's Blurbs

About me:

My account got taken down because of my username, not my blog.
I won't text first, but I will respond - if I stop then I just don't fw you
I've decided to ditch labels, I hate trying to figure myself out, I am who I am
The only labels you catch me using to describe myself are no-contact pro-para/harm reductionist

Who I'd like to meet:

Anyone that gets the point of my blog.

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