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emdawg's Interests


I like guitar a lot, I have my own squire strat

Other than music and guitar stuff, I enjoy going out, like the 10 pm and I'm sitting in a target shopping cart while getting pushed full force in the parking lot into another cart type. All harmless fun

I know a tad bit of computer science too, useful for here


I'm into a lot of rock genres, but mainly punk rock and other extensions of punk rock. Some of my faves

- Destroy Boys
- Amyl and The Sniffers
-Negative XP
- some other underground stuff that I don't mind sharing with others if you hit me up.



Shows I love

Moral Orel

Bojack horseman

Gravity falls



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About me:

I am a senior in high school if that's important (17)


I can be pretty interesting if you get to know me some.

If you look through what I have, could probably expect me to dress up a little emo, but a surprise to many, I do not lol. Love the music and love the clothes, just too much of a wimp to dye my hair

Who I'd like to meet:

Literally anyone, down for anything and will talk to anyone until I find a good crowd

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