
Five's profile picture

"Diseased (smile of pure pain)"

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Mood: Tired

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Five's Interests


I freaking love technology. Mainly compsci. Mostly compsci. I guess that I do a bit of physical computer stuff too, but mostly compsci. Can you tell I like compsci?


Honestly, not even I know. I kinda just listen to whatever I find TwT




Honestly, despite loving writing, I'm not that much of a reader anymore. Idk if it's the fact that I haven't been able to get my hands on any good books recently, or my love for reading has just fizzled out, but I don't really read that much anymore.


Five's Latest Blog Entries [View Blog]

Settling an argument that I completely made up (on the internet) (view more)

Five's Blurbs

About me:

Note: I am thirteen. Please keep that in mind when interacting with me.

Hiya! I'm Five :D! I'm an artist, musician, and writer who basically does whatever they feel like in the moment! (I also go by rats (that's why my watermark says rats)) I ALSO FREAKING LOVE TECHNOLOGY!

  • I'm a tech nerd who does tech stuff.
  • I draw whatever I feel like in the moment, and compulsively do studies at three am.
  • I play trumpet in my school's band, viola as a hobby, and I currently sing as a hobby, but I will be in my school's chorus next year.
  • I write stories and totally don't zone out during school and start thinking about them.
  • This Layout was made by,

    Who I'd like to meet:

    Pretty much anyone with interests and aren't judgmental. If you don't judge, I won't either!

    *Since I am thirteen, I am not comfortable interacting with people who are over the age of fifteen. Commenting on my profile and/or posts is still okay, though!

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