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Luka's Interests


Music (from indie to experimental electronic) Video games (RPGs, 90s classics, and whatever catches my attention) Sci-fi and psychological thriller movies Learning languages and traveling Musik (von Indie bis experimentelle Elektronik) Videospiele (RPGs, Klassiker der 90er und alles, was mir gefällt) Science-Fiction- und Psychothriller-Filme Fremdsprachen lernen und Reisen


Indie to experimental electronic






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About me:

Lukas Weber (Luko)

📅 Date of Birth: September 22, 1999

📍 Location: Hamburg, Germany

About Me

Hey, I’m Luko – a laid-back guy with a lot of interests. I love music, video games, and deep conversations. Sometimes I draw, sometimes I write, but I’m always looking for something new to learn. If you're into geek culture, sci-fi, or just cool conversations, feel free to message me!

🎵 Interests 🎮

🎧 Music (from indie to experimental electronic)

🎮 Video games (RPGs, 90s classics, and whatever catches my attention)

🎬 Sci-fi and psychological thriller movies

🌍 Learning languages and traveling

🔎 Who I’d Like to Meet

Interesting people who love music, enjoy traveling, and just like having fun in life.

💿 Status: Probably procrastinating with good music in the background.

✨ Add me or send me a message! Let’s connect.

How to Use This on SpaceHey Go to your Edit Profile section. Paste this code into the "About Me" box. Save changes and check how it looks! This layout gives your profile a dark-themed, minimalist look with a touch of retro vibes. You can edit the colors and fonts to match your style. Let me know if you want any tweaks! 🚀 You said: create something more dark, with a 25 years old vibe ChatGPT said: Got it! Here's a darker, more mature, and stylish layout with a cyberpunk/modern aesthetic. It gives off a mysterious, late-night, 25-year-old vibe—perfect for someone who loves music, sci-fi, and deep convos. SpaceHey Profile Layout – Dark & Stylish (Copy & Paste this into your "About Me" section) html Copy Edit

Lukas Weber (Luko)

📅 Date of Birth: September 22, 1999

📍 Location: Hamburg, Germany

About Me

Night owl. Music addict. Sci-fi dreamer. I dive deep into conversations, stories, and soundtracks. Whether it’s a midnight drive with synthwave blasting or a coffee-fueled coding session, I’m always chasing something new. Got good taste in music? Let’s talk.

🎧 Interests 🕶️

🔥 Underground & alternative music

🎮 Retro & RPG video games

🎬 Sci-fi & psychological thrillers

✈️ Traveling, late-night city vibes

🔎 Who I’d Like to Meet

People with **great playlists**, **cool travel stories**, and who aren’t afraid to **go off-topic at 3 AM**.

💿 Status: Probably lost in a playlist or a random Wikipedia deep dive.

⚡ Let’s connect: Message me.

Who I'd like to meet:

Interesting people who love music, enjoy traveling, and just like having fun in life. Interessante Menschen, die Musik lieben, gerne reisen und einfach Spaß am Leben haben.

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