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17, Brasil, H.S

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HotmilMil's Interests


Hey everyone, Hotmil's here, Im 17yrs, Brasilian, Gilr, Programer and Model(from mirror). I like to play, sleep, play Games and fermented milk. Im in last year from school, and at the moment i want computer Science for university. In my school we have technic curses 2geter than the H.S, and I'm almost graduated to be a computer technician. Yeah thats me and what i do. And BTW i love my girlfriend


Im totaly ecletic!
My playlists go from Metal to Jazz in just a music. I used to have a favorit artist when i was 11, was BTS... (hey dont judge me, they are legends) But now with 17 i dont have more a favorit artist!!! I listen to anything, if the vibes looks nice im listeing... And i think thats talk about me...
And BTW i love my girlfriend


Ther's a list with some of my favorits:
And BTW i love my girlfriend


Ther's a list with some of my favorits:
And BTW i love my girlfriend



HotmilMil's Latest Blog Entries [View Blog]

I'm gonna to ask the girl I like to be my girlfriend!!! (view more)

HotmilMil's Blurbs

About me:

Hey people! I'm Hotmil, but you can call me HotmilMil (I think it's a good nickname, even though it's just a repeat of my name— but don’t question it). I'm a Brazilian girl, 17 years old, and I love my girlfriend! Like, I haven’t asked her yet, but I will!! Soon! I just need money to buy her a ring (bcs I’m a really gentle girlfriend). So, if you want to hire me as a beginner programmer, I’m right here!!
And BTW i love my girlfriend

Who I'd like to meet:

Cool persons, who like to program, RPG, books, futile girl things, nerds girl things, kuromi, math and strawberry tea
And BTW i love my girlfriend

cat kittycat

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