
"doing meth with my asshole"
so sigma
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Mood: exhilarated
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fuck if I know ongg |
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hm idk do people actually have favorite movies I mean theres movies i enjoy but would i really rate it my favorite when theyre can always be better ykyk even if theyre like movies you enjoyed back then you only like them cause they either had memories or nostalgia or just you grew from a realization from it. im seeing how far i can go with just saying stupid shit. are you still here? so is it really a favorite movie can you really continue watching it and it continue to stay the same feeling or do you force yourself to feel the same way as before does that really make it a feeling that you actually feel if your forcing yourself to feel something liek you can feel it but is it real is this real are you real oh ya i tripped you mfs out. |
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dawg i do not got that shit. |
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