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Mood: Missing someone who I shouldn’t be

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Jackson's Interests


- Video games

- Science/Engineering topics

- Anime

- Heavy/Emo music

- Musicals

- Deep talks about random shit


All types really but I specifically like metal and punk-related styles. Also musicals, somehow.


Any movie based off a Stephen King novel or movies based off musicals so I can laugh at how bad they are compared to the original.


Mostly just anime and the occasional long-form series that my friends harass me into watching.


Not much of a reader butttt I do like mythology and some lighter reading.


Jackson's Latest Blog Entries [View Blog]

My first post! (view more)

Jackson's Blurbs

About me:

21 | Male | He/They | ASD | Pan

Continuously stressed out and depressed college student who will yap about anything and everything under the sun if given the opportunity. 

Proceed with caution.

Who I'd like to meet:

Just people to talk to and whose notifications give me sweet serotonin.

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