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"web surfing"

20 , USA , aro + bi , legally crazy


Mood: shaky

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sundrop's Interests


Dan and Phil || writing || reading || crochet || i like to sing but im no good || scrolling through tumblr while i slowly morph my spine into a spiral


Tonight Alive will always be my favorite band || living for some Kendrick Lamar rn || Chappell Roan || also i've had the Wicked soundtrack on loop for weeks at this point, both the original broadway recording and the new movie versions im obsessed again


im a true slut for golden age marvel, favorite-favorite being Captain America: The Winter Soldier (im partial to the super soldiers tbh) || Rise of the Guardians is an all-time favorite || Frozen II and Encanto are held up equally in my mind || the first Percy Jackson movies but specifically only the scene where they're in the Lotus Hotel & Casino and Lady Gaga is slowly fading in the background while Grover has his entire donkeyass out for the whole world to see with at least one girl on each arm.


American Gods || Preacher || rewatching Steven Universe rn too || the Percy Jackson TV Series


Percy Jackson and the Olympians || Heroes of Olympus || (im absolutely obsessed with Jason Grace and have in fact NOT read the Trials of Apollo yet, but I have tried. I just keep Remembering and breaking down in tears,) || American Gods || and currently rereading The School for Good and Evil -


as much as he loves throwing my bestest friends in the entire world off of cliffsides and/or turning them into plants: gotta love Rick Riordan. His books have quite-literally saved my life on more than one occasion, and he's the person who inspired me to be an author. --- and, obviously, Daniel Howell. he would throttle me for saying it, but in the end he did what he intended. He made works of art/comedy that entertained me and caused my brain to produce happy chemicals, unintentionally comforting me and saving my life.

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About me:

scared transguy trying to adult | he/him and 20 !

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Who I'd like to meet:

Daniel Howell & AmazingPhil (i got so close ;-;)

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