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"working on this profile 🔥"

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Mood: despite all my rage, i’m still just a rat in a cage

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atlas's Interests


music - films - bass - fashion - 70-90s - history - photography - poetry - writing - pinterest - spotify - astrology - vintage - true crime - video games 


nirvana - david bowie - pierce the veil - syd matters - blink 182 - the smiths - tyler the creator - the strokes - deftones - lil peep - mcr - she wants revenge - foo fighters - the cure - depache mode - gorillaz - tv girl - type o negative - slowdive - lady gaga - enya - videoclub - radiohead - green day

and literally ONE BILLION others


scott pilgram vs. the world - the truman show - fight club - spiderman diary of a wimpy kid - corpse bride -  whiplash - labyrinth - tpofbaw - 500 days of summer - harry potter - scream - halloween - nosferatu - napola - all quit at the western front - pirates of the caribbean - perfect blue 


dexter - game of thrones - the walking dead - prison break - breaking bad - monster - tokyo ghoul - attack on titan


harry potter - hunger games - diary of a wimpy kid - ao3 fanfics


kurt cobain and spiderman ofc 


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atlas's Blurbs

About me:

i’m 16 years old and live in central europe (take a guess lol). i love anything related to music (i play bass in a band), movies, and theater. i love listening to people and giving advice, but i also love yapping because i’m naturally curious/have many weird stories to tell lol.


Who I'd like to meet:

anyone can add me, but just write cause it gets kinda annoying if someone adds and then doesn’t write 

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