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"Laying aroundd"

An outward going 16 year old American. He / Him

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Mood: Happy

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Thistle's Interests


Aviation, tornadic weather events, hiking and backpacking, kayacking, ecology and biology, physical media and producing it. (Burning cds.) Almost anything available to me I tend to enjoy it!


-Nirvana - Caamp -Indigo girls -Caamp -4 non blonds -Jack Johnson -Bob Marley - Rage Against The Machine, - anything synthwave or jazyy! - Modern baseball - Alex g - Duster


- Flow - The Wild Robot, - Threads (1984) - When the wind blows - Hot fuzz. - Interstellar


YouTube a majority of the time, but sometimes series like breaking bad or national geographic.


Hatchet, 1984, Fahrenheit 451, The giver. To kill a Mocking bird. A whole ton of bird and tree identification guides.


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Thistle's Blurbs

About me:

I enjoy a whole laundry list of things, one could say its a perk of ADHD. I enjoy the company of almost every kind of individual as long as they aren't rude or toxic! I play cello and gitaur, I love to bike around anywhere and get out in general. Writing and art are one of my most induldged in hobbies, I also journal. Additonally, I love cryptids and mythology! Photography as well. To add onto this list I ocasonally dabble in HAM radios. Usually when I can I'm out hiking, camping or roaming around!

Who I'd like to meet:

Chill individuals who enjoy nature, photography, biology, Red Dead Redemption 2 as well as music! People who make cool trinkets and interesting things!

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