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i am brooke

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revdev's Interests


Writing !!!!!! Chess Cruelty Squad Roleplay Roblox Games 2D Fighting Games (Fightcade) Black Ops Zombies.. hip-hop, EDM, VGOST, Vinyl Collection... martial arts & Virtual Reality!!


A Tribe Called Quest, Camellia, Yakuza 0 and Jujutsu Kaisen OST.. JPop & De La Soul... some DOOM & Kendrick projects (been listening since the DAMN. roll out), my bloody valentine and in LOVE with Nujabes (also since 2017!) !!!


Paprika (2006)


Samurai Champloo Dragon Ball Super/Z Parappa The Rapper Jujutsu Kaisen Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (Part 5 is probably my favorite!) More!! <3<3<3


I'll include some video games instead of books since I don't have a library card yet! (feel free to send me book recommendations, I would actually like to get into the medium :P) Cruelty Squad Hotline Miami 1/2 Undertale (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa) Mouthwashing Yakuza 0 YOMI (Your Only Move is Hustle) Capcom vs. SNK 2 Jojo's Heritage for The Future Furi Deus Ex (2000) Cry of Fear Chess <------ guilty of also having a metal gear rising episode the binding of isaac


scatman john. God fucking bless that man enough Said you should know


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revdev's Blurbs

About me:

hiiyaa!! my name is brooke/revdev! You can also call me Paige :) I am a 19 year old transgender MtF writer and roleplayer who primarily focuses on Discord Roleplays, but I also aim to have a future in other writing fields in the future once I get my passion projects squared off! :p ask me about my writing projects and I will talk FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Who I'd like to meet:

Hrmm... Who would I like to meet? Probably Hirohiko Araki! I've been hugely inspired by his work ever since I was a kid, and would love to share my work with him and perhaps maybe see what he thinks of my fan fiction works and my own stand abilities!!! Ehehe- I bet he'd find them funny at the very least. :)

motherfucking brooke!!!!!!!

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