
NeonGrunge's profile picture

"creating spacehey account"

Heart of South America

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Mood: wanting to be a groupie from 30 y ago

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NeonGrunge's Interests


current song...


I enjoy all types of music; like Lana Del Rey and lately it's been a lot of Gun's N' Roses, so rock, pop, disco, 90's vibes, broadway, let's just say I'm all over the place when it comes to music.


First thing that came to my mind is all of the Fast & Furious saga, especially fast five. The dirt is fun. I really enjoy action movies, suspense is fun, I have to admit a good classic romcom is not bad, I like documentaries a lot, crimes, paranormal, etc.


I don't really know what television means, but some shows I like are probably a lot of the miniseries on netflix, from The Queens Gambit to Zero Day, just like music I watch all kinds of shows. Let's just say I watch what's trending on Tik Tok. Be free to recommend, I need it...


I HATE reading hahah, but I finished a wattpad fanfiction of warren peace that someone recommended haha, kinda liked it so now I'm half way through another one of slash...


Old and kinda emo music, maybe slash idk

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NeonGrunge's Blurbs

About me:

I guess you can tell i fw purple. Haha well I guess I'm a girl who's daily routine lately has been listening to rock and emo music. I would say I have a personality that is not afraid of showing my true self, so I'm going to be completely honest with you at all times. I love appreciating the art of absolutely everything, so if you wanna recommend movies, music, even books I'll always be open minded to all of it. Love conspiracy theories, the paranormal, i love watching all kinds of sports..... I'm not only a rockstar wannabe haha, I'm latin so I lovee latin culture and music (can recommend songs from every genre)


Who I'd like to meet:

soo i would like to meet people of all kinds really, I'm good at meeting people but maybe if you like emo, old vintage styles, rock music and you like conspiracy theories we'll probably get along very well haha, but overall I would love all kinds of people.

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