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"i am in geometry class bored as fart i just want my bf:( "


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Mood: really tired I went to bed at like 2 or 3 bc I was crying all day

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Yumyum_getusum's Interests


I love to sleep and relax some days I'll be so lazy and then next minute I'll be cleaning my whole house spotless. I get random bursts of energy out of no where. I love to play my guitar when i have nothing to do i learned how to play master of puppets and no im not a poser guys please:( I've been playing guitar for 4 years by now and I'm still not good enough sadly. if I where to learn a song I would want to learn how to play "the devil in I" by slipknot. I learned singular from Sally face labamba iron man and erm spooky scary skeleton I have 3 guitars and 1 bass I learned bass for 2 years but more into guitars the first guitar I ever got was my bass and learned how to play feels good inc. my second guitar I got was my dads acoustic guitar and I'll always love that guitar because it has been passed down in my family for generations and my dad gave it to me:( and he taught me how to play my family's song and I will continue to teache my family that song and pass it down to someone else my 3rd guitar is electric and I got it for my 14 or 13th birthday and I also got a huge amp with it for FREE?!. the person that gave it to me said "if I give you this guitar you must play it everyday and if I find out that u haven't played it I'll take it back" so non stop I've been playing my guitar and I've learned many chords with it and I learned my own songs with it my 4th guitar is my absolutely handsome most gorgues most loving and kind hearted boyfriend it was his at first but he never played it so he gave it to me the first day he gave it to me I played it all day and I learned a new song on it as well and it also came with a amp I love it. there is one more guitar but its broken and all the strings are cut and I lost the inside of it so its gone forever:(and I don't want to use it either because my old friend and I put some quotes on it when we were still friends but now there gone so now it just sits in my room collecting dust day by day.



one of my favorite movies of all time has got to be guardians of the Galaxy but I hated when yondu went into space I was in the theaters and I cried so hard that they almost mad us leave. I also like jack and the coocoo clock heart, birds of pray,suicide squad, there's a lot more but I don't remember them


my favortite tv show is JOJOS BIZARRE ADVENTURE I love that show so much I wanted to watch it in 2020 but I never thought it was good.... I was so wrong if there's anyone that wants to watch JOJOS do it please trust you might think its ass for the first 2 parts of the show but trust once you start to watch it it will get so much better. but one thing before you watch this please and try not to get to attached to the characters I had to learn the hard way same thing with the walking dead absolutely loved that show I watch it all with my mom but still don't get attatched to the characters demon slayer was pretty good but I haven't seen the rest of it and fallout is really freaking good I love fallout and there games iv played most of them with my dad and boyfriend. AND BERSERK I love love loveeee that anime and most of the animes and shows and games that I play and watch now I got from my boyfriend.


JOJO BIZZARE ADVENTURE I want to get all of the book I need them its not a want its a need but I will do anything to get one thing tho.... and that's to get all of the berserk book I need all of them I will steal them if I have to I will do anything to get them:(


I don't really have a superhero but if there was one I would say my boyfriend because he's helped me through so much in my life that I don't even know how I can repay him but I guess I do spend literally all of my money on him like everyday and I give him everything he wants or needs but I also broke everyday:( and and get this I only get 60-70 dollars a month right ikik y'all are like well I mean money is money you should be appreciated that you got money well my boyfriend gets 800 a month and my sister gets 950 a month..... and my mom and dad and sister calls me a brat and spoiled yeah right.

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About me:

you can put your bio here! Blooming Sparkly Red Rose

Who I'd like to meet:

I would love to meet Norman Reedus and the rock beaucuse there really cool and Emma stone I love her I loved watching movies with her in it it just made the movies better in a way my favorite movie by her is probably easy A I watched that movie when I was like 10 years old I loved it. if there was anyone that was dead and I would like to meet it would be Bruce Lee and Tupac don't judge please there amazing:(

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