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🤍🪽's Interests
General |
'06, computer science major, multilingual, and really into music and other literary forms of art. I'm also super big into fashion history, and I love researching about that in my free time. |
Music |
Almost all genres. I specifically like odd or innovative music, but also generic pop (LOL). My favorite artists are: محمد عبدو، حسين الجسمي، عايضShiina Ringo, Lee Taemin, Kim Jonghyun, Kendrick Lamar, CAPSULE (The jpop duo), and many more. I also like old kpop/jpop, especially 2nd generation KPOP. I also listen to many other artists, just ask if you're curious :} |
Movies |
I'm not really big on movies, but almost anything that's psychological horror interests me. I do have a letterboxd (that I never use). The user is sugarcoatted :} |
Television |
I don't really watch shows either. I occasionally tune into the seasonal shows though. |
Books |
So many! A current favorite of mine is "A Tale For The Time Being" by Ruth Ozeki. |
Heroes |
I don't really have any. |
🤍🪽's Blurbs
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