
MX 16yo
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Yizuzzz's Interests
General |
I love playing games! The ones i play the most are roblox, minecraft and fortnite. |
Music |
Definetly my favourite artist is Milo j. Mostly listen to rap music. If you got any recomendations, tell me! ^^ (i love music) |
Movies |
I Really really like animated movies from disney, my favourite is the princess and the frog. Marvel movies are a really important part of my movie prefferences, i really like them. |
Television |
I absolutely love breaking bad, and shows of such a relation to science (i'm a nerd) like dr. stone or dr. House. I also like comedys like the office, friends or malcolm in the middle. OwO |
Books |
I like to read books and stuff but mostly i read comics on web toon lol. On the physical books side i personally don't buy books so often, but i really like books with mythological themes like "the divine comedy" and stuff like that. |
Heroes |
FUCKING LOVE SPIDERMANN Like, who doesn't? Spiderman is the goat. Obviously theres other good characters like tony stark or even bruce banner but Definitely spiderman is top tier, i mean even his variations are SO COOL. If it counts i also LOVE sonic the hedgehog. |
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Yizuzzz's Blurbs
About me:
Hi there, i'm Yizuz. I love eating and animals and music and rotting in my bedroom. ^^ I speak mostly spanish but i can speak english too! I'm mexican! So sorry for bad english.
Who I'd like to meet:
Idk, some people to play with and listen music or just to talk.
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