tashirozinho :3

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"high school class ;-;"

oluap, 17

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Mood: waiting for her to love me lmao

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tashirozinho :3's Interests


i have a LOT of interests, bruh, Film Photography, Cool unknown camera brands or models, apple between 1998-2010ish, cafona things, random facts, physical touch, cars, engineering, musical instruments, star wars, how communism is the answer to all of the problems that been happening recently online lol (idk if u want more ask me privately)


I really don't know how i'll put like all of them here, but like, rn i am obcessed with Paramore, Tokio Hotel, Stevie Wonder, Djavan, etc etc etc.


BUT as i LOVE to hear music, my genreknowledge is wide af, gotta love the underground genre and bands!

Although, some of the genres i listen the most is Deftones styled Nu-Metal, Emo-Punk, Emo-Rock, Emo-Every-Kind-Of -Genre, Emo-Stuff, Hyperpop, Manguebeat, and idk some rest

actually, i listen to everything and might vibe with shit idk. i think i don't listen to any unrhytmic and too "earrape-y" stuff, but i'm open to any kind of recommendations :3



i loove scotty and ramona and kim pines and the chingchong minor scott dates


if television = sitcoms, soap operas, other stuff, i'd say i like late-90's to nowadays comedy stuff like Seinfeld, Friends, two and a half men, the big bang theory, and stuff like dat


Well, about reading i am not a big fan of a LOT of genres (or havent read them yet so i think they bad af) buuutt i loove Agatha Christie's Poirot policial romances


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tashirozinho :3's Blurbs

About me:

harou eburinyan, hawayu? fine sank you. uhh.. how i begin... if i was an object for sure i'd be a 3rd Gen iPod or an iPod Mini. me llamo... what's my name again? doesn't matter, call me tashiro. i am currently obsessed with Tokio Hotel (spacehey users showed me their obsession, now its mine too). i'm a brazilian mate from tengolengo ceará, i speak english fluently, so go send me a message!

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