
I’m 13 from Poland
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Mood: Tired
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Tony's Interests
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I like slipknot, nirvana, Metallica and a bunch of others. |
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I don’t really watch movies like that. |
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About me:
I'm not really into watching movies or going out I'm more of a stay home in bed all day guy I hate cutting my hair and I'm not really that interesting. Clearly I like hotline Miami I mean my whole profile is based on hotline Miami I adore both games and if you also like hotline Miami then I automatically like you (as a friend remember I'm a minor XD).I don't really have that many friends irl and I hate school wanna get out of it as soon as I can. I love gaming some of my favourites include dying light,tlou(the last of us) part 1 and 2,the most obvious hotline Miami, and I would like to say tom Clancy's ghost recon wildlands. Pretty random ik, i guess thats everything about me so ya if you like the same things as me hmu.
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