
"i will sleep crying today :D"
17y, BR :D
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Mood: ok i guess¿
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keek.blab's Interests
General |
eu gosto de desenhar, tocar guitarra e piano, ler livros e HQ's e dormir :p i like to draw, play eletric guitar and piano, read books and comics and sleep :p |
Music |
eu ouço qualquer tipo de música, mas geralmente escuto rock/metal, emo, indie e pop com mais frequência :D I listen to any kind of music, but I usually listen to rock/metal, emo, indie and pop more often :D |
Movies |
LOTR; Amelie ; The Omen; Scarface; Gladiator; The Truman Show; Pearl; Thirteen; Nosferatu; Jennifer's Body; Black Swan; The Witch... |
Television |
Supernatural; Doutor Who; Skins; Modern Family; The Office; The Sopranos; Breaking Bad;... séries de televisão?? / television series?? |
Books |
LOTR; Hobbit; Carmilla; Dracula; Coraline; Fangs; Wuthering Heights; Frankenstein; Notes From Underground; The Idiot; Crime and Punishment; White Nights sim eu gosto de Dostoievski :// yeah i like Dostoievski :// |
Heroes |
batman and spiderman ^^ |
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keek.blab's Blurbs
About me:
*aprendendo a editar o perfil ainda (; / learning how to edit my profile (; *
▪︎ ela/dela (she/her) • (L)GBT • Ⓐ • BR (brazilian)
Who I'd like to meet:
gostaria de conhecer pessoas de gostos diversos para fazer >amizade<. falo português e inglês de maneira fluente, mas não me importo de conversar com pessoas que falem outras línguas que não sejam essas 'u'
I would like to meet people with different tastes to make >friendship<. I speak portuguese and english fluently, but I don't mind talking to people who speak languages other than these 'u'
podem mandar mensagem e convites para fazer amizade, eu demoro para responder mas eu sempre respondo!!
You can send messages and invitations to become friends, I take a while to respond but I always do!!
keek.blab's Friend Space
[view all]keek.blab has 17 friends.
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