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Meta's Interests


I like mecha animes, jrpgs, video games in general, I think math is pretty fun too, sometimes I read mangas trough pirated pdfs, I also like the pokémon competitive scenario. Both smogon and vgc.


I like rock and metal in general, my favorite band is Maximum the Hormone, even if sometimes they're more punk than metal, I also like some vocaloid producers, and I just download the mp3 of whatever seems good enough. (not paying for spotify when I can download stuff for free 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️)


Suzume, Wall-E, Gundam Char's Counterattack, the star war prequels.


Gurren Laggan, Zeta Gundam, Evangelion, Dragon Ball, etc. Currently watching the gundam UC spin offs such as Thunderbolt and MS Igloo. In summary, I watch shounen anime.


I don't read much stuff other than mangas, HQs and study stuff. Some of the manga I like are the Pokémon Special ones, I did read trough the entirety of DBZ manga too. I read mostly shounen but I do read shoujo sometimes 


Idk, Batman?

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Meta's Blurbs

About me:

He/Him, 🇧🇷, 14y old, fluent in english and portuguese. My favorite pokémon are Mawile and Snorunt.

Who I'd like to meet:

people that listen to me yapping abt my nerdy stuff

Meta's Friends Comments

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as you may have noticed, im not good with design. Used Bela's black and gray layout as a base!!!!!