
18. gayboy. film major.
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Mood: excited + hungry
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dylan's Interests
General |
music !!! , food (food is lyfe xD) , tv + movies , vidya gamez |
Music |
they might be giants <3 , ben folds + ben folds five , fall out boy (seen them in concert x5 times >:3) , jonathan coulton , paul simon/simon & garfunkel , cake , ska (entire genre) , 80s/90s alternative rock |
Movies |
almost famous , i saw the tv glow , my best friend is a vampire , ghostbusters franchise , asteroid city , lilo and stitch , rushmore , american pie franchise (i seen all of dem >;3) |
Television |
house md !!! fav show eva !!! , homestar runner :D , smiling friends :0) , jojos bizarre adventure (only on pt 4. no spoilz!!) , community , arrested development , how i met your mother , south park |
Books |
breakfast of champions - kurt vonnegut , catcher in the rye - jd salinger , jeeves books - pg wodehouse , fahrenheit 451 - ray bradbury |
Heroes |
dan aykroyd , paul simon , dr. gregory house >;p |
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About me:
" 1m 4 l053r b4by 50 y d0nt u k1ll m3 " ~
Who I'd like to meet:
robert sean leonard !! oWo
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