𝑱𝑴𝑭's profile picture

16 years, Brazil 🇧🇷

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Mood: sleepy

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𝑱𝑴𝑭's Interests



I have an eclectic taste in music and listen to anything that pleases me, but I also listen to specific bands and artists 



The Home for Peculiar Children, The little Prince (Animation), Corpse Bride, The boy and the heron (I don't really like movies)


Garfield, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Adventure time, Blue eye samurai, My little pony, Gravity falls, Fairy Godparents, Miraculous, Glitch Techs



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𝑱𝑴𝑭's Blurbs

About me:

ENG: I love music, video games, chocolates and cakes. I'm Brazilian person, I write poems but not as much as expected, I love studying about subjects that I am interested in and I also love learning about new things and I don't know anything about math LMAO (And I'm also bad at English)

PT-BR: Adoro música, videogames, chocolates e bolos. Escrevo poemas, mas não tanto quanto o esperado, adoro estudar sobre assuntos que me interessam e também adoro aprender sobre coisas novas e não sei nada sobre matemática KKKKKKKK 

Who I'd like to meet:

ENG: Anyone who is at least respectful and non-problematic, Pro-shippers, neo-nazis and other problematic people please DNI

PT-BR: Qualquer pessoa que seja pelo menos respeitosa e não problemática, pró-shippers, neonazistas e outras pessoas problemáticas, por favor, DNI

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