Ezra!!! ♡

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"abt to try and sleep"

I'm a minor!(13) :3

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Mood: Sleepyy...

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Ezra!!! ♡'s Interests


I like video games like all of the borderlands games but I also like genshin impact as well! I'm always open to try new games though


I prefer nu metal and more alt/emo bands, but I really like all sorts of music tbh

some examples of random bands and ppl I like: Slipknot, korn, limpbizkit, the cure, deftones, Rob zombie, Rammstein, system of a down, Mozart, godsmack, mcr, radio head, the strokes, ghost, she wants revenge, ICP, Chappell Roan, Weezer, Rebzyyx, destroy boys, theory of a Deadman, Roar, TV Girl, mindless self-indulgence(ik they're bad but I still like their music 😓🙏), car seat headrest, falling in reverse, Mitski, never shout never, hot Freaks, and so so many more lol


I don't watch too many movies, I have a hard time sitting still long enough to finish one lol


I like certain animes and shows, but not many. So far for the shows, I like band of brothers and sweet tooth.

As for Animes, I am usually willing to check out most of them, but I prefer more of the older ones because they seem more interesting to me lol, but it's just a preference


When it comes to books, I really like the junji to books but I also am willing to read other things but especially graphic novels


Idk, can't say I have one tbh..

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Ezra!!! ♡'s Blurbs

About me:

Hiii, I'm Ezra! I'm pretty socially awkward and slow, but I can be interesting! :3

I am transmasc, and I prefef he/him or they/them pronouns but I don't get mad about the occasional slip up lol


I know based on my profile I don't seem like it, but I quite like alternative styles, emos, scene kids, goth people... and I dress pretty alternatively, though it always depends on how I'm feeling that day, but still, don't let my layout fool you lmao

Who I'd like to meet:

I'm really just looking forward to meeting possible friends and such! It doesn't matter what you look like or your interests as long as you aren't a creep lolz

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