Daniel Malice

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"talk to mi x3"

Scene kid 4 lyfe

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Mood: Finally got my dick sucked @EnzoEcstasy

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Daniel Malice's Interests


Im 16, from England, heavily schizophrenic and I’m a hellenist, I really like to talk about the any wars but particularly World War Two, but if you mention something to me I’ll 100% look into it you can’t doubt me on that. (Also if it wasn’t obvious I’m a dude) and gay so LADIES, LADIES CALM YOURSELFS..


Ahh music, I like music. I actually wrote a song about my boyfriend one time (don’t tell him I’m writing another one) anyways at the moment I like Hollywood undead, BOTDF, brokencyde, partially millionaires, will wood, Alex g, злые гномы, Ayesha erotica, jeffree star, meth wax, negative XP, I also quite like hyperpop. If you ask me I’ll probably know whatever music or band your on about and most likely have had a phase on it at some point in time.


Movies are pretty banger, I wish my husband was in a movie so I could watch it on repeat, (who said that guys) I like war movies (AQOTWF and jojo rabbit are top tier) I also like fight club, zero day, elephant, Duck!, zero hour and so on..


Television is banger, I like Brooklyn 99, invader zim, SpongeBob, mtv downtown, YouTube (daz black and Moriah Elizabeth atm) my minds gone black I’ll probably add to this later


I can’t read for shit (dyslexia) so I don’t really read, the only exception is non-fiction war books.


1. Dahvie vanity

2. Charlie scene

3. My husband


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the government are out to get us (view more)

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Daniel Malice's Blurbs

About me:

Ughhhh why about me I don’t fucking know, I have a pretty whimsical boyfriend I could actually yap about him all day, he’s the single most amazing mystical man I’ve ever met and I don’t put that lightly, he’s extremely hot and handsome and so very interesting i always love to listen to him talk, I don’t think I could ever be bored of him. He’s really sweet and nice to me and I love how he stands up for the right things, he doesn’t take shit from anyone.. sucks I only see him like once a month. Anyways about me yeah, I’m..-

Who I'd like to meet:

Meeting people is cool but you know what’s better.. my boyfriend.

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