Kyron Saif

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Supporter of Computing Freedom.

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Drum & Bass, Rock





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About me:

I am a Libre Enthusiast with a desire to improve the realm of Libre/Computing Freedom, and to inform others on various subjects such as avoiding brainrot and mindlessly following modern trends, helping people in the process. An extended about me can be found on my website.

Who I'd like to meet:

That really depends. I'm someone with a mindset from the early 2000s era. I use words that aren't typically accepted nowadays, and am sometimes misunderstood because of that. In tandem with the fact that I don't really use typical Social Media. Tl;dr, anyone who's a chill individual who doesn't mind any of that, alongside being compatible in some other way (that also depends, and also means you don't just follow and partake in brainrot. Or if you want help getting away from that).

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