N40MI's profile picture


just a silly goober >

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Mood: Chill

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N40MI's Interests


Kandi Bracelets! Helluva Boss/ Hazbin Hotel Drawing JJK Dandys World Sprunki 2000s life style old tech (like cd walkmans and etc)


Mitski Melanie Marteniz MSI The living tombstone Jazz Heavy metal rock Bruno mars MLP SONGS lol


Dogman Sonic shows/movie blue and idk any else :d


B3tty b00P!


Dogman diary of the wimpy kid dork diaries captain underpants


Captain underpants dogman batman eh idk any else

N40MI's Latest Blog Entries [View Blog]

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N40MI's Blurbs

About me:

Hi! im a 13 yr old woman. I love MLP ,MSI,Bruno Mars, drawing, etc!! DNI: pervs, zoophile, problematics, pro shippers, etc! Accepts: kind ppl, ppl under 19 or 18 (it would be 5/6 year age gap if I was friends with someone 18 or 19) LGBQT+ ppl!, etc! I <3 Inavder zim!!! #1 Steven universe fan! --> -->

https://external-media.spacehey.net/media/sYUizPdBpTKtJ0J7DiOdcF2NL3cAA34ECw3z-Q02egSg=/https://i.pinimg.com/originals/57/45/4a/57454a331a4ef4c21bad22f9f7a2a411.gif"200" height="300"/>
--> --> -->

--> KAngel wave Ame-chan hair down Ame-chan smoking Kangel bouncy Ame-chan rainbow puke Ame-chan dizzy KAngel on phone Ame-chan reading KAngel rainbow puke Ame-chan arm hold -->
--> --> Cute Black Bow Tie Pointer --> --> --> -->

Who I'd like to meet:

Brandon Rodgers Scene Queens Billie Elish (srry I spelled her name wrong) Mitski PEOPLE WHO KNOW SMG3/SMG4, WELCOME HOME FANS, MURDER DRONES FANS, ETC !! -->

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