
Skye202's profile picture

"finally weekend."

15 years old and am from South Africa

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Mood: tired

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Skye202's Interests


Anime, manga, movies ( mostly old ones), Love MUSIC,  baking, learning guitar( classical), has a 80 day streak on Duolingo. 


Any and all kinds of music mostly rn tho The Fray, The Script, blink-182, Linkin Park, The Cranberries, Thirty Seconds To Mars, Five For Fighting, The White Stripes and Evanescence and a few more but I love a lot of diff types too.


Most . The classics. Harry Potter, Clueless, The Vampire diaries, monster house , She-ra, She's the man, She's all that , my faves are either romance, comedy, supernatural, really stupid cringe movies and animation any kind cartoons , anime and really too many,  I should get a life lol.


Once again a lot , sit- coms, used to have all the channels sometimes  301,302,303,304,305,306,307 and other stuff. And old stuff too like My wife and kids, Full house, Fresh Prince.


Don't know the names 😭 cause they are those online novels and stuff. I am open to recommendations tho, mostly fantasy, romance, and phycology.


My Mom and Dad.

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Skye202's Blurbs

About me:

I am a 15 year old girl. ENTP.

Who I'd like to meet:

I get along wt most people except the ones I don't get along with.

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