Seth Welch

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Seth Welch's Interests


Retro, PC, and PS5 gaming. I love a variety of different games. Also into camping and the outdoors.


Pop and Rock from the 60s to 2000s. Grunge and some rap can be good too. Just no country music.


I love old horror movies like Halloween and Alien. I also love a ton of 90s movies. Pretty much anything with Chris Farley or Will Farrell.


Bunch of Anime, the Boys, Friends, Seinfeld, Family Guy, It's Always Sunny, and a bunch of others.


I've been trying to get more into reading. Recent books have been The Shawshank Redemption, The Shining, Lock Every Door, The Troop, and Penpal.


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Seth Welch's Blurbs

About me:

Software Engineer and father of 3. Nerdy, but also enjoy the outdoors.

Who I'd like to meet:

On here: Anyone who wants to chat.

Otherwise: Dave Grohl, Seth Rogan, Will Farrell, Sylvester Stallone, Neil Patrick Harris, Hideo Kojima, Barack Obama.

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