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Erliash's Interests


I like cycling, listening to music, playing video games. I also love drawing, and I even have an Instagram account: @yanhkssta.

I really like Stardew Valley, Hallow Knight, Dead Cells, Terraria, The Forest, FNAF, Cult of the Lumb, God of War, Fortnite and many other games.

I love indie games, and my favorite game is Stardew Valley.I also really like reading, I don't read often, but I like it. The manga or books I've read recently is a Brazilian manga by Noah and Kaleb and a manga by Swod arte online.

AI really like a lot of things, oh. I also love volleyball, my favorite sport.


I like many styles of music, such as electronic music. My favorite DJs are Marshmallo and Dead Mauz, although I prefer Marshmallow and Allan Walker. I also really like Geoxor's songs.

I love supercombo, my favorite is Amianto.

I like pop, K-pop, I only like New Jeans. I also like reggae, rap and trape. Anyway, a lot. 

My favorite band is The Rare Occasions and my favorite song is Notions.

Details, I hate funk. I would listen to it just for memes or to make fun of it from time to time, but I really don't like it. 

Well, I think that's it.


I love Marvel and DC movies. However, I prefer Marvel, obviously my favorite saga is the Avengers. I also really like Spider-Man. 

My favorite series is stranger things.

I don't know what to write about movies anymore :(




I don't read many books, but I really like Harry Potter and The Hunger Games.


My favorite hero is Miles Morales' Spider-Man and my favorite villain, I don't know, maybe it's me.

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Who I'd like to meet:

I would like to meet Kurt Cobain, Xxxtentacion, Lil Peep, Airton Senna and Maicon Jackson.

I would also really like to meet the band: Supercombo and the band Crystal Castle. 

I also really like Kanye West and Billie Elish.

There are many artists I would like to meet.

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