
jess,16 from the uk college student who wants to get into a uni
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Mood: determined
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Faeriemon's Interests
General |
Music |
my favourite creator is mitski but i also like any music that consists of cats meowing |
Movies |
my favourite films are love and monsters and, wispier of the heart. although, these re closely followed by from up on poppy hill, my favourite type of film though is anything by studio ghibli |
Television |
i just like any anime, the most recent one i watched was Charlotte and let me tell you, it was devastating. i had to pause it at one point to actually cry!!!!! if you are strong enough, i recommend it! |
Books |
I will read anything!! i love romance and thriller books and my favourite authors are Alice Oseman and Holly Jackson. My favourite book is probably Loveless by Alice Oseman and i'm currently re-reading solitaire by Alice Oseman, her books always make me feel of summer and spring, they are a must read!! |
Heroes |
I don't really have any heroes, but i suppose the universe has saved me more times than i can count! |
Faeriemon's Blurbs
About me:
🌷hey!! I am Faeriemon, an avid reader who is obsessed with learning. I’m trying to study for exams so that I can start my A-Levels instead of a degree to make it esier to get into Oxford or camebridge university. My current study method is, learning a part of a subject and writing everything I learn on a sheet of paper, hanging the paper on my cork board and then when I am able to, I will assess my knowledge on that part of a subject. If my knowledge on that subject is up to date I will put the paper in a completed folder until half term, at half term I will review that all the paper in the folder, any papers that I am not able to remember properly I will hang back up on the board to study again and renew my knowledge.🌷 🇬🇧if you haven’t already figured it out, I am from Great Britain!! And I want to study medicine in university when I get to that point, so that I can research diseases and make medicine or become a doctor if I have the guts. I’m currently learning German 🇩🇪 and Spanish 🇪🇸 and I have one friend, who lives in mexico🇬🇧
Who I'd like to meet:
other people who are around my age and like my vibe!
Faeriemon's Friend Space
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