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"I forgor"

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Flump's Interests


my life is controlled by Nintendo, ESPEEECIALLY Pokemon. My Top 5 are: Marshadow, Stakataka, Umbreon, Azumarill and Zekrom. Not the only games I play though, I play stupidly much Roblox, especially Arcane Odyssey, I also enjoy a lot of Bethesda Games like Elder Scrolls and recently Fallout New Vegas, also a fan of Persona though I only really know about 3 and 5. I also watch a lot of anime, my personal favourite is Jojo's Bizarre Adventure but I love stuff like Kagurabachi, Jujutsu Kaisen, Horimiya and Bocchi The Rock too.


feels pretentious to say but I feel like I can say I listen to all kinds of music, a LOT of genres. My top 5 favourite bands are MCR, Nickelback, Pierce The Veil, Sabaton and though not a band I like Kordhell a lot too


Don't watch too many movies because it doesn't cross my mind often (only reason tho). I'm a huge fan of Disney Movies, UP and all the Lion King (not live action) are my favourites. I enjoy horror movies quite a lot even if I have to be clinging a plushie or a pillow or just something just so that I won't scream


As stated before, I love anime quite a lot, I also know quite a lot about early 2010's Disney Channel/ Nickelodeon shows thanks to having siblings, big fan of Arcane too thanks to being a recovered ex-league player. Notably, I've watched every episode of the Pokemon anime though I don't remember a lot of it


Can't really say I read much anymore, if you asked about 7 years ago and I'd have been able to tell you an entire library, I was especially partial to Twilight, Hunger Games and Divergent back then, these days for books though it's mainly stuff about human psychology or just manga (Pokemon Adventures Manga my beloved)


Wolfe Glick, Gerard Way and Joakim Broden

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Flump's Blurbs

About me:

17 year old British Autistic Guy. My life is 75% Pokemon, 20% Music, 5% other random stuff/ Expecting me to be intelligent is setting yourself up for failure. Bi icon. Spotify Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2l0oKdR03KNRYawYHJkl9U?si=4f26342ec31a40f4 Eevee Pokemon

What Flavour Are You? I am Chocolate Flavoured.I am Chocolate Flavoured.

I am sweet and a little bit naughty. I am one of the few clinically proven aphrodisiacs. Sometimes I can seem a little hard, but show warmth and I soon melt.
What Flavour Are You?

Who I'd like to meet:

I'd love to meet people that I share interests with, especially people that like yapping, I will always do my best to respond

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