V1R3N_FF's profile picture


bi and genderfluid

Mood: cansada

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V1R3N_FF's Interests


picmix-com-2663956 drawing!! i spend most of my current free time drawing comissions or any other type of art; i spend a lot of my time studying for college and college entrance exams; and i recently started getting interested in web development but i have no idea what im doing!! I like all aesthetics and i dress pretty darkly irl, but my friend suggested a fruitiger aero theme since i have so many aesthetics i like i couldnt choose one. Other then a huge fan of art, i enjoy cooking, reading and writing or going out for long walks in the city. I love gothic, scene ,lolita, or grunge clothing but you cant find it easily where i live.


mitski ,lana del rey, breakcore, vocaloid,classical music ,gothics styles,heavy metal, nightcore, daycore and more but i dont remember right now!! Also i dont use spotify since im cheap and i hate the ads so i just install all my music


picmix-com-2624095 tbh i almost never watch movies without it being with friends, but i really could use some recs


i dont watch tv at home but currently the main series im interested in is House Md


carmilla,dracula,frankestien, kafka , HP lovecraft , tbh any book that makes you go "oh what the fuck".


mi mama and my friends!!

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About me:

picmix-com-2546331 never touched css in my life so im trying to figure it out! Names vic and i speak english or portugues, and i started on this site on a suggestion of a friend of mine. she/he/they ; ela/dele.

Who I'd like to meet:

anyone!! with a interest in art ,web development ,struggling through school, bookworms, anime fans(i need more motivation to watch more), movie fans(i need to watch more of these as well!). Please feel free to chat at me at anytime i love talking with anyone and everyone! i just dont start convos myself since im often away from my computers.

Todos e todas! qualquer um que tenha interesse em arte ou programação, lidando com escola/faculdade, fans de livros, animes, filmes(preciso de mais motivação para assistir esses). Não fique com medo de conversar comigo pois tou disponivel a qualquer discussão, so posso demorar a responder pois tou bastante tempo longe do computador.

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