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est time zone: eastern standard time zone. Not on 24/7 so bare with me.


I listen to a bit of everything but here’s my currents! Song and Artist recommendations would be lovelyy Alex g, poison girl friend, lalleshwari (Katie Jane garside), my bloody valentine, cocteau twins, crystal castles, deftones, limp bizkit, hole, pj Harvey


Lisa Frankenstein, The map of tiny perfect things, house, final destination series, aquamarine, silent hill, paranormal activity series, insidious, American Mary, evil dead, I believe in unicorns, tragedy girls, terrifier , my best friends exorcism, before I fall, my bloody valentine …. Give me movie recommendations:3


SpongeBob, h20 just add water, abbot elementary, supernatural, teen wolf, sharp objects, scooby doo, that 70s show, pll, Alice in borderland ….. give me show recs!!


current fav: before I fall! Book recommendations would also be appreciated:))



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About me:

𐚁᭢༘۠ DELPHINE TIERNEY MERCER 𐚁᭢༘۠ 18ooc, 20 ic. she/her. libra. one of two siblings. middle child. baking 25/8. obsessed with horror films. loves playing fortnite and roblox. awkward af. speaks two languages (learning another atm). natureee.

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