mattias lucas

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mattias lucas's Interests


geopolítica, geografia, história, anime, countryhumans/countryballs, k-pop, metal & +


mpb, samba, bossa nova, metal, rock, k-pop bts, slipknot, babymetal, illit, chico buarque, japanese music & +


filmes : cinderela 1997, cidade de deus, descendents 1,2 & 3 , homem aranha ( todos ), zootopia, sonic, moana, it a coisa & + séries/novelas/programas : soy luna, chica vampiro, round 6, are you sure?, ultimate homem aranha, sonic boom & prime, the thundermans, sam & cat, brilhante victoria, the loud house, barbie, garfield & +


jogos : PK XD ( meu favorito ), mario kart, flash party, bullet league ( meu segundo favorito ), sonic, one piece mugen, one piece bounty rush, kuma sushi bar & + animes : one piece, naruto, demon slayer, death note, my hero academia & +


o pequeno príncipe, o príncipe, manifesto comunista, noites brancas & +


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About me:

I'm Brazilian. i'm communist and patriotic. I LOVE history, I really like international relations/geopolitics. I love listening to music and studying. I'm part of several fandons, I'm usually quite flexible on topics.

instagram : @prinpospace tiktok : @prinpospace

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My Playlist(s):

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