
Cass-i's profile picture

"Most likely watching a yt video or something"

Smallest US state, unfortunately alone

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Mood: I'm sooo bored!!!

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Cass-i's Interests


I really like making stuff like crocheting and sewing.


I love MSI, Aysha Erotica, Dazey and the Scout, and Chapel road.


Frankly, I don't really watch movies tbh, I like big eyes though and like Coraline.


I don't watch that many shows, but I am a fiend for Don't Hug Me, I'm Scared, Moral Oral and shows like it.


I like load of the flies like the concept, mostly because I like to think that there was so much gay drama on this island because you can't tell me it's not true you have no proof.



Cass-i's Latest Blog Entries [View Blog]

Post nut clarity (view more)

I HATE that bitch Eve (view more)

Yapping about LOFT headcanons I believe in my hear of hearts happened (view more)

Cass-i's Blurbs

About me:

I'm 13. I'm like 5 feet tall. I like being a homosexual and eating drywall.

Who I'd like to meet:

People around my age I would really like more internet friends cause I'm lonely

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